Wednesday, September 9, 2009

2012 - End of the World

Watch this video and see how much great people predict something happening in 2012, almost all great people predict something, not the same thing, but something. So i believe something is going to happen in 2012, but don't know which one of these predictions are right, here is the video, watch it, and what do you think?

2012 - End of the World

Can anyone predict the future? Did Nostradamus foresee the future 400 years ago?

Nostradamus predicted a rise in a new power between 1999 and 2012 at Nostradamus-Crystalinks:

The year 1999 seven months

From the sky will come the great King of Terror

Before and after Mars to Reins by good luck (X.72)

The first line gives an exact date of 1999. The seventh month could mean July (current calendar; Solar), August (lunar calendar), or September (Sept is seven). The second line may suggest a total eclipse of the Sun, which did occur over the heart of France (Nostradamus's home country in August 1999). A King of Terror is another phrase for a total eclipse. People were very superstitious in his days; and they correlated a total eclipse with doom and gloom. The third line suggests the resurgence of a new power similar to Ghengis Khan (great King of the Mongols). Genghis Khan and later his son, Ogedei Khan, led a superior and massive army of archer horsemen. They appeared invincible and were on the path to world domination; having conquered China, Russia, and the Middle East when Ogedei died and the armies returned back to Mongolia. What the third line of Nostradamus's Quatrain may suggest is that a massive army will once again make a bid for world domination from out of the Orient. The only country that has this capability is Red China. Nostradamus is predicting resurgence in Chinese power, and he implies that they will try to conquer the Earth. A world war with China is not out of the question in terms of recent events.

Things are lining up so that 2012 might auctually happen:
1. The mayans predicted somethin major is going to happen on December 21, 2012 (remember these are the people who have accurately predicted other global events in the past), and recently scientists have discovered that the world is going to go through a polar shift in the near future, which could mean disasters all around the world.
2. The battle between East vs. West seems to be brewing. Of course everyone who thinks the world is going to end always uses the "Hey, just look in the news" to back up their theories of the end of days, but this is different. It is more "Hey look at what is not the news." There seems to be something that the governments of both the American and Iranian countries are not telling us. The Iranians with their nucleur program and if they are already at war with our troops in Iraq. And the Americans who quickly swept the leak of how we are already attacking the Iranians by via their economy. The leak stated that we were pushing in counterfeited money into their economy which is creating devesting inflation. If the Americans and Iranians go to war it could pull other countries in causing in a WWIII.
3. The St. Melachy's prophecy that their will be 111 popes and that the 111 pope would have something to do with the Benedictine order, and we are currently on the 111 pope and he took the name Pope Benedict.
4. The webbot program which predicts something major to happen near the end of 2012.

Here are just a few of the prophecies of 2012. If you know anymore prophecies please tell us, and if you have any comments of the general subject just say them.